Relationships and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Shakespeare and I have always had a bit of a difficult relationship. From reading his plays in my high school English class to seeing a couple performances at Shakespeare’s Globe in London on a study abroad with my university it’s been a long and bumpy road. While I don’t love reading the scripts, I do enjoy watching the performances (depending on the style and conceptualization). Much like my complicated relationship with the Bard himself, many of the characters in his plays have complicated relationships. While these relationships are clear on stage, it may be more difficult to understand them in an audio format. In preparation for A Midsummer Night’s Dream: An Audio Drama, two small flowcharts are below to hopefully add some clarity to the romantic relationships of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Key: Orange/Yellow Arrows notate real love. Green Arrows notate love that is created by a magic spell.

DAM Good Productions presents,
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: An Audio Drama
Coming soon to audio streaming near you!