Pittsburgh, PA

Category: Performance and Script Reviews

DPS Book Club Script Reviews – May 2021 Box

I thoroughly enjoyed my first DPS Book Club box and I’m looking forward to receiving my next one this upcoming week. Check out these amazing plays that were included in the May box!

May Script Reviews

I didn’t get a chance to write a lot of script reviews this month. I was able to start reading some musical books that have started gathering dust on my bookshelf though. Here we go!

Introducing Script Reviews

I read a lot of scripts. It’s what I have to do. It’s what I love to do. It’s about time I start writing some script reviews.

A New Play for Everyone

Every moving part of this show is magnificent. I wish this performance was running longer and that everyone I know would take the time to see it. It is that important. Remember, “it is never too late to be kind.”

Forever Tethered to An Other Theater Company

As I sat down on the couch hearing my husband in the other room doing Zoom class and my daughter in her nursery talking herself to sleep, I pulled up yet another online performance. Here we are almost a year into this pandemic and I have learned how much I love the comfort and privacy of watching theatre from home.

An Other Theater Company Shoots and Scores with Something to Cry About

Something to Cry About evokes a very intimate feeling of vulnerability on the part of Gist and Williams through personal stories, that even a couple days after watching it has me feeling nothing but love and hurt for those who live their lives experiencing racism.

BYU’s Virtual Theatre Season Starts With Some Illusionary Tales

Since the pandemic began in mid-March we’ve been waiting for art that can be created safely and after six months there are a few theatre groups that have made some changes and have begun streaming live performances. One of these theatre groups is the Theatre and Media Arts Department at Brigham Young University, the alma mater of yours truly.

How to Write a New Play Exchange (NPX) Recommendation

No matter how you write your recommendation, writers are grateful. We love knowing that people are reading and enjoying our work. The most important thing is that you keep your recommendations positive. New Play Exchange is not the place to attack playwrights, it’s the place to celebrate them.