The Medieval Period and The Jester

I’m a dramaturg and dramaturgs ask questions. So, here are five questions that I asked about the Medieval Period, the time period of The Jester.
Who coined the term, “Medieval”?
The term was first used by Humanists during the Renaissance period. More specifically the person who can be credited with “inventing” the Middle Ages/Medieval Era is Francesco Petrarca, or Petrarch.
What does “Medieval” mean?
It is a Latin word literally meaning the middle (medi-) ages (-ev-). The period is referred to as the middle ages due to falling between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Renaissance. As time went on the definition of “Medieval” adapted to mean “very old-fashioned or primitive.” Europeans living at the time of the Renaissance recognized the Medieval period as a time of little to no growth, art, or notable culture.
When was the Medieval Period?
This period lasted from approximately the 5th century until the 15th century, an estimation of about 1,000 years.
Where is the focus of The Jester?
Within the Medieval Period there is a further breakdown of the low, middle, and high middle ages. The Jester takes place in the high middle ages of Bohemia (recognized today as the Czech Republic) during the reign of Charles IV.
Why is it important to understand the basics of the Medieval Period for this production of The Jester?
Understanding the performance practices of the period is important for actors may apply them. It is also important for the purposes of understanding the characters and why they respond to situations the way they do.
The Jester runs on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from June 21 to July 3 at Canyon Glen Park in Provo, UT. Get your tickets online and follow Corral de la Cruz on Facebook!
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