Pittsburgh, PA

Content and Trigger Warning Guides (CTWG) Conclusion

Content and Trigger Warning Guides (CTWG) Conclusion

I want to start by saying thank you to the contributors who have put in the time and effort to keep this series going over the past four months. Writers of this series included myself, Cam Cope, John Morgan, Robby Moore, and Mackenzie Marrow. I am so appreciative of them for volunteering to write this series with me. I want to be conscious of their time and efforts and because we haven’t gotten as many views as I would have liked on this series, I am going to put it on hold indefinitely until I am able to pay the writers who contribute. I still believe that all artists have a right to make the art that they want without forced censorship. I believe that forced censorship is dangerous to the arts industry, but everyone who views art should be allowed to pass over their triggers and content that is harmful to them without having to explain themselves. I hope people continue to find the posted guides helpful and someday in the future we may begin writing guides again.


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